Salesforce Custom Colors and Icons
I recently was asked about the custom colors and icons that we use for our Link Management Application and the person was wondering how they could incorporate the use of those colors into their sControls.
Since I had to put all of that information together for our App, I decided why not share that with everyone as some type of reference? So here's a little background on why this information is useful.
When you write sControls to mimic the look and feel of the standard salesforce app you always include the standard style sheets and in the BODY tag you'll add something similar to the text "class='Custom56Tab editPage'". Without going too deep into all the styles and their various meanings and requirements to perfectly mimic a salesforce page I will simply state that the "CustomXX" piece of the code is what defines the page's border colors and the icon at the top.
What I used to do was trial various numbers in that text (like Custom1, Custom 34, etc.) and see what I'd get on the page as a result.
Now rather than trial and error, like I used to do, you can simply use the reference below:
Heart |
Fan |
Sun |
Hexagon |
Leaf |
Triangle |
Square |
Diamond |
Lightning |
Moon |
Star |
Circle |
Box |
Hands |
People |
Bank |
Sack |
Form |
Wrench |
Airplane |
Computer |
Telephone |
Envelope |
Building |
Alarm Clock |
Flag |
Laptop |
Cell Phone |
Radar Dish |
Car |
Factory |
Desk |
Insect |
Microphone |
Train |
Bridge |
Camera |
Telescope |
Credit Card |
Cash |
Treasure Chest |
Jewel |
Hammer |
Ticket |
Stamp |
Knight |
Trophy |
Big Top |
Apple |
Balls |
Bell |
Boat |
Books |
Bottle |
Building Block |
Caduceus |
Can |
Umbrella |
Castle |
Chalkboard |
Chip |
Compass |
Cup |
Dice |
Gears |
Globe |
Guitar |
Handsaw |
Headset |
Helicopter |
Highway Sign |
Hot Air Balloon |
IP Phone |
Keys |
Lock |
Map |
Measuring Tape |
Motorcycle |
Musical Note |
Whistle |
Pencil |
Presenter |
Real Estate Sign |
Red Cross |
Safe |
Sailboat |
Saxophone |
Scales |
Shield |
Ship |
Shopping Cart |
Stethoscope |
Stopwatch |
Street Sign |
Thermometer |
Truck |
TV Widescreen |
I hope you find this useful.