Migration Tool Installation
The Ant Migration Tool is so useful to the way I build on the Salesforce platform. Setting it up for use on a new machine is something that sometimes slips my mind because I don't do it that often.
This post is for future me. Should I have to setup a new laptop or something. Plus, it may prove helpful to other Salesforce developers/admins looking to work with it.
Java SE Development Kit (JDK):
- Download the latest installer file from
- Run the installer
- Note the directory where everything gets installed. May be somewhere like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221
- Set JAVA_HOME in system environment variables
- Settings > System Properties > Advanced tab > Environment Variables...
- Add a New System variable. JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221
- Edit the existing Path System variable by adding the following to any existing string
- %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Apache Ant:
- Download the zip file for the latest version from
- Unzip into a directory of your choice but make note so you can update some system environment variables
- C:\Program Files\Ant\1.10.7
- Set some System variables
- ANT_HOME: C:\Program Files\Ant\1.10.7
- ANT_OPTS: -Xmx1024m -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
- Edit the existing Path System variable by adding the following to any existing string
- %ANT_HOME%\bin Migration Tool:
- Download the latest zip from
- Open the downloaded zip file and move the ant-salesforce.jar file to the Apache Ant lib directory
- C:\Program Files\Ant\1.10.7\lib
- Move the "sample" folder from the zip file including all sub folders to a directory on your machine such as the Desktop